咖啡器材租借 Coffee Stage 咖啡舞台

Coffee equipment rental

Coffee Equipment Rental Concept

At Coffee Stage, we understand the needs of every coffee lover, especially the pursuit of high-quality coffee equipment. However, high-quality coffee equipment often requires a higher investment, and our coffee equipment rental service is designed to solve this problem. We offer a range of professional and versatile coffee equipment, allowing you to enjoy the fun and professionalism of coffee making without having to spend a fortune.

Coffee Stage's coffee equipment rental service covers everything from basic hand brewing equipment to professional coffee machines, meeting the needs of coffee lovers and coffee shop owners of all levels. Our goal is to provide convenient, flexible and affordable solutions so that everyone can find the right coffee equipment on our platform.

Our rental process is simple and transparent, and we provide comprehensive after-sales service and technical support, so that you can enjoy coffee without worrying about equipment maintenance and upkeep. In addition, we also provide regular maintenance and cleaning services to ensure that every piece of equipment can maintain its best operating condition, so that whether it is short-term rental or long-term cooperation, we can provide professional consultation and comprehensive services. Make your coffee time more enjoyable.

Enjoy the beauty of coffee easily and save costs at the same time.

Coffee equipment rental information

The internal system is currently being updated, and details of rental equipment will be re-announced in April 2024, so stay tuned.

Relevant terms and conditions of leasing

Coffee equipment rental process

1. Priority

Coffee lovers, after selecting the coffee equipment you like on the "Coffee Equipment Rental" page, you can select the required date on the product page. Once the selection is completed, you can pay and wait for the receipt confirmation notification.

2. Pay attention when paying

When making payment, we will collect the deposit and rental period fee for the "coffee equipment". After collecting the relevant fees, we will notify the sender to select the "pickup location". Don't worry, we will only collect the coffee equipment when the customer successfully collects it. Date calculation will begin.

Of course, if it is not a large coffee equipment, we can also choose "SF Express" to make it easier to coordinate with each other's time.

3. Ensure quality by inspecting and cleaning each product first

We understand that when renting coffee equipment, you may be worried about whether it will be damaged or damaged when you use it, or it may be in tatters or be dirty when you receive it.

Therefore, after each delivery, we will do our best to perform daily equipment inspection, maintenance and cleaning to ensure that the equipment is in the best condition when it reaches the customer.

Therefore, I also ask all coffee lovers to cherish the equipment. Although it is rented, do not use it violently... because I can use it myself! ! !

4. Don't understand how to use it? Have questions?

We understand that it may be the first time you come into contact with coffee equipment, and you may not necessarily know how to use it, because for everyone who chooses to rent coffee equipment, we will try our best to answer all your questions during the rental period.

After all, one of the original intentions of "coffee equipment rental" is to promote and expand the coffee circle and culture. Of course, we will also slowly start filming teaching clips for some equipment, from collecting coffee equipment to using and cleaning, we will try to record everything as completely as possible Explain and hope to try our best to answer the guests' questions.

5. Delivery and return

When the day before the end of the rental period is approaching, we will send a message to gently remind guests to prepare to start packing.

Guests can choose "S.F. Express delivery" or "go to the designated location, Yuen Long Studio, to make an appointment for delivery on the last day of the rental end date"

After settlement, we will confirm within 3 to 5 days that the "coffee equipment" is operating normally and there are no problems. After deducting the rental fee, we will refund the deposit.

Coffee Gallery